Muhammad Leghari

Muhammad Leghari or Muhammad ibn Shaddad, a leader rebellious in the mid-8th century against the Abbasids,belongs to Baloch Tribe Leghari, ruled a huge part of Sistan from 764 to 769
Mahdi sent his uncle, Yazid b. Mansour in Sistan 764 years, he entered the city and was kind and fair with the people. When he was in Sistan, it came to him about the non-submission of the population of Bust and then in 767 with the army went on a campaign against Bust. At this time in Bust rules - Muhammad b. Shaddad of the leghari tribe, and his allies Azaravayh al-Majusi and Marzban al-Majusi with a large group of people were taken off. Becoming strong, Muhammad b. Shaddad went to Sistan. Yazid b. Mansur went to war with him, 'Uthman Tarabi leaving governor in the capital of Sistan. They fought a lot. In the end, the rebels Muhammad b. Shadad defeated the forces of Yazid b. Mansur, and Yazid himself b. Mansur fled to Nishapur. When news of what happened there came to the Caliph, he sent to Sistan Ma'na b. Za'id al-Shaibani. Ma'n entered the systan in 769, and suppressed the insurrection of the local and took almost complete control over the territories. About Muhammad ibn Shadad has nothing more to say.
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