Mordechai Suchard

Rabbi Morechai Suchard is the founder and executive director of Gateways, a Jewish educational organization. He is a noted and professional Jewish educator, speaker and author.

Rabbi Suchard is originally from South Africa, where is father still serves as a judge on the Beth Din of Johannesburg. He studied at the Talmudical academy of Telshe, in Cleveland, Ohio as well as in Ponevezh in Bnei Brak, Israel; he then continued on to received his rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Kulitz, who was both the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem as well as the Dean of its Beth Din. Rabbi Suchard has served on the Rabbinical board of Ask The Rabbi, answering questions about Jewish law, philosophy and ethics.

Political affiliations
Rabbi Suchard is a supporter of Senator Joe Lieberman, having contributed to his political campaign from 2002 to 2006.
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