
Moonracer is a fictional character in the Transformers universes.
Transformers: Generation 1
Moonracer is one of Elita One's agents. She is old friends with the Autobot Powerglide.
Animated series
Moonracer is a female Transformer. Like the rest of the female Autobots introduced in the episode "The Search for Alpha Trion", she does not make another appearance in the animated series.
Dreamwave Productions
Elita One, Chromia, Firestar and Moonracer appeared briefly in the final issue of Dreamwave Generation One series among the female Transformers sent by the Quintessons to Cybertron. Although they were supposed to character in the next plot arc involving the return of Optimus Prime, the company closing left this story unfinished.
Fun Publications
Moonracer appears in the story The Coming Storm working for Alpha Trion. Her appearance in this story was based on the Timelines Chromia toy, which was initially designed to be her.
Video games
In Transformers: Legends, Hunting parties led by Slipstream and Flamewar managed to stop the Female Autobots (referred to in-game as "Elita One's Squadron"). It is unclear what "stopped" means in this context, as in-continuity information about the Fatal Furies event was limited to two brief blurbs.
* Timelines Scout Chromia (2005)
:According to Ben Yee "The original idea for this toy was to make it Moonracer. The plan was to develop the character a bit and show that she had grown since her impetuous days of Generation 1. Unfortunately, we found out very late in the game that the name "Moonracer" would not clear Hasbro legal thanks to another toy company having the word "Moonracer" as part of a toy they produced. Chromia did clear however, and we had no time to try to create another name to be researched... Thus this toy became Chromia. The tech spec draft was quickly rewritten to make the character sound more like the strong minded warrior shown in Generation 1."
:In 2010 Jizai Toys announced news and images of Moon Racer Custom Garage Kit.
Transformers: Prime
Moonracer is a female Autobot from the Aligned continuity family. Moonracer is really good at sniping. Her sniping abilities have earned her a place among the Wreckers.
Moonracer appeared in Transformers: The Covenant of Primus, in which she helped Elita One prevent "crazy people" from interrupting the lighting of the well of Archon.
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