Moondance of Stonewylde (2006) is the second in a series of novels by Kit Berry, set in the fictional community of Stonewylde. The story follows on from the first, Magus of Stonewylde. Spanning the pagan festivals of Summer Solstice, Lammas and the Autumn Equinox, the story continues as Sylvie and Yul fight the dark forces that Magus has at his command. With the help of his shaman brother, Magus attempts to exploit the special gift that Sylvie has discovered since her arrival at Stonewylde; that she is moongazy. She now becomes the victim of his brutal greed, and Yul needs all the help he can muster. But with only an ancient wise-woman and her crow on his side, Yul struggles to protect the girl he loves from the cruelty of the master of Stonewylde. By the end of the book, Yul’s life hangs by a thread and Sylvie is in grave danger.