Monstrous humanoid

Monstrous humanoids are a "creature type" in the 3rd and 3.5 editions of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Monstrous humanoids are differentiated from humanoids by their monstrous or animalistic features, and not all are technically "humanoid" in body form. They also often have supernatural or extraordinary abilities.
All monstrous humanoids have darkvision out to 60 feet. As a group, they have no other special abilities or immunities.
In 4th edition, monstrous humanoid was merged into the humanoid type.
In the Monster Manual
The following are examples of monstrous humanoids listed in the Monster Manual, one of the three core rule-books for Dungeons & Dragons.
* Centaur
* Derro
* Doppelganger
* Gargoyle
* Grimlock
* Hags
* Harpy
* Kuo-toa
* Lizardfolk
* Medusa
* Minotaur
* Sahuagin
* Yuan-ti
From Monster Manual II
* Boggle
* Braxat
* Desmodu
* Kopru
* Loxo
* Ormyrr
* Scorpionfolk
* Spell Weaver
* Tauric creature
* Thri-Kreen
* Yak Folk - The Yak Folk are a race of humanoid yaks.
From the Monster Manual III
* Armand
* Blackscale Lizardfolk
* Goatfolk
* Gulgar
* Harssaf
* Lhosk
* Nycter
* Phoelarch
* Poison dusk Lizardfolk
* Protean Scourge
* Skindancer
* Vermin Lord
* War Troll
* Witchknife
From the Fiend Folio
* Jackal Lord
* Khaasta
* Ophidian
* Sarkrith
* Skulk
* Yurian
From other sources
* Alaghi - The Alaghi is a monstrous humanoid that lives in temperate mountains and forests in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. It is six feet tall and covered in shaggy brown hair. An alaghi is often in alignment; however, villages of alaghi tend to be evil, while alaghi hermits tend to be nice and well faring creatures. Most alaghis are semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers. The alaghi is presented as a playable character race in The Complete Book of Humanoids (1993), and is later presented as a playable character race again in Player's Option: Skills & Powers (1995).
* Berbalang - The berbalang is a bipedal gargoyle-like monstrous humanoid with leathery skin and bat-like wings. It spends most of its life in a state of hibernation while its spirit astral travels. For a few days each month, it sends a projection out into the world to kill and feed. The berbalang was first published in White Dwarf #11 (February/March 1979), in the "Fiend Factory" column, originally submitted by Albie Fiore, which was later reprinted in Best of White Dwarf Scenarios (1980). The berbalang then appears in 1981 in the first edition Fiend Folio (1981). In the second edition of AD&D, the berbalang appears in the first Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989), and is reprinted in the Monstrous Manual (1993). A Guide to the Astral Plane (1996) describes Berbalang society for the Planescape setting. The berbalang also appears in the Monster Manual for the fourth edition (2008).
* Lupin
* Yetis - The Yetis are large bipedal beasts covered in white fur who hunt in cold hills and mountains and are usually in alignment. The Yeti first appeared in The Strategic Review #3 (August 1975), and is based on the yeti of Asian legend.
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