Mohammed Shaheen

Mohammed Shaheen (born 16 June 1983) is a non-resident Indian, Bahrain-based entrepreneur and education philanthropist. He is the founder of the financial trading company firm Seven Capitals Trading LLC.
Personal life
Mohammed Shaheen was born in Bahrain as the son of N.K Moosa and Haseena P K. who have taken leadership roles in Seven Capitals.
Business career
Mohammed Shaheen is an Indian entrepreneur, financial analyst, and business writer from Kerala. He is the CEO and managing director of Seven Capitals Group, a renowned brokerage firm. A seasoned financial analyst, he bears a wealth of experience spanning more than 16 years in handling an extensive portfolio of securities, exchanges, and commodities including but not limited to stocks, CFDs, currencies, NYSE, NASDAO, London Stock Exchange, Mumbai Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Gold, Silver, and crude oil.
Mohammed Shaheen's accomplishments in the field of business have garnered him several notable acknowledgements in the industry on both national and international levels. Mr. Shaheen's constant striving and innovatory objectives have propelled Seven Capitals to the forefront of the industry, brokerage firms in the UAE.
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