Moe Rock

Humility, patience, and persistence are the traits that define new R&B artist Moe Rock. At the tender, young age of 19, Moe possesses impressive maturity with a new and unique writing style. "I've had offers on the table that most musicians dream of, but I wasn't gona sign away my soul or sell out. I'd rather go hungry than be a millionaire who has to fake his music." Indeed, Moe Rock has turned down record deals to maintain total creative control over his upcoming album. He believes that singers should write their own songs from the heart, and he will never compromise his principles.

The first generation son of immigrants who escaped the deadly streets of Iran during the war, Moe began writing music for himself and other artists four years ago at the age of 15. He is now one of southern California's fastest spreading and most talked about young artists. Because Moe understands his humble beginings, 10% of his sales go to help orphans who lost their parents to war in the Middle East.

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