Miss Haq Home

Miss Haq Home for Handicapped Children is a charitable institution in Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Miss Haq was a Pakistani lady belonging to the United Presbyterian Church who lived her life helping the poor. She donated her home and property to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Faisalabad for the purpose of serving the poor.
The Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Sienna were asked to dedicate their work to the handicapped children of Faisalabad. Under the care of an Italian nun, Sr. Alessia OP, who worked in Pakistan for 56 years, this Home was founded on 19 March 1980 for all children afflicted with physical disabilities.
The Pontifical Mission Society is supporting the Home along with various projects in Pakistan, mainly in the areas of education and healthcare. They are providing funds for the medical expenses for 42 children at the Miss Haq Home.
Miss Haq Home is a charitable institution whose services are free. The staff consists of six Dominican sisters of the Congregation of St. Catherine of Siena, one physiotherapist, one teacher, and eight co-workers. In addition, a surgeon from Allied Hospital in Faisalabad performs necessary operations without charge, but all medicines and other necessities are provided by the Home, which also supplies the children with orthopaedic shoes when needed.
The Home operates through donations made by other institutions and private benefactors. The Dominican Congregation helps financially, and the diocese also contributes some additional funding. Equipment for the institution has been provided gradually by means of donations.
In 2005, 44 Christian and Muslim children resided at the institution, and outpatients were treated at no cost. In a warm, family atmosphere, the children are happy and their health improves rapidly. Most who have suffered some form of paralysis have regained partial or total use of their limbs. Equipment for their physical therapy has been secured through donations. The children follow a normal course of studies in the home and take regular exams at St. Joseph's Girls High School in Faisalabad.
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