Mir Mohammed Raza

Mir Mohammed Raza (M. M. Raza) is an Indian Astro-gemologist, known primarily for his regular appearances on Indian television. He a managing partner at Rasikh Gems & Jewellers.
He was born on the 15 May 1979 in Alipur, Karnataka, India. His father, Mir Mahadi Hussain was also a gemologist, his mother was Syeda Noor Jhan. He is married and has four children.
Raza went to school in Alipur and went on to Chhattisgarh University. He later attended the School of Jyodhisham in Bangalore and gained certification in gemology. He started working as a Gemologist in Bangalore in 1998. He ran Rasikh Gems & Jewellers at Bangalore until moving to Hyderabad, Telangana and starting a separate branch, his brother Syed Roshan Abbas now runs the Bangalore branch. "JAWAHARAT KA KARISHMA" on E TV Urdu
* Eminent Astro Gemologist of IndiaSuman Art theater International (28 July 2014)
* Ratna Shastra Siromani AwardSrujana Art Creations (30 October 2014)
* Visishta Pratibha Puraskar-2015 Ratna Sastra SamratSrujana Art Creations (8 January 2015)
* Ratna Sastra Sarvagna AwardSangamitra Millennium Excellence Awards (1 February 2015)
* National Integration Award 2015Suman Art Theatre International (31 April 2015)
* Abdul Kalam Memorial awardSri Konijeti Rosaiah Garu (17 October 2016)
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