Minor Changes that Will Help Combat Global Warming

The idea of global warming allows us to discuss two related issues: on the one hand, it is a phenomenon observed in the average temperature of the last decades, which rises steadily; On the other hand, it is a theory that, based on multiple projections, it is thought that the temperature on Earth will continue to increase in the future due to the actions of men. According to a UN report, the planet could cross the crucial threshold of 1.5 degrees - above pre-industrial levels - in just 12 years, which in the opinion of the author would lead to a "global catastrophe". Small actions can be taken to try to prevent extreme droughts, forest fires, floods, or food shortages, which are all caused by global warming. Lifestyle habits can be put in place to combat global warming locally, simple actions can mean big changes for sustainable development.

Global Warming
Global warming refers to the gradual increase in the temperature of the earth (including the atmosphere and the oceans). This is associated with the greenhouse effect, which is a phenomenon in which certain gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere retain part of the energy emitted by the soil after being heated by radiation from the Sun. The greenhouse effect works as follows: solar radiation passes through the atmosphere, bounces off the ground and should go back through the atmosphere; however, greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide and methane) produce a layer of pollution that prevents the sun's rays from coming back out, causing an increase in temperature on Earth. It is very important to keep in mind that defective installations that cause water leaks or leaks must be repaired, the tap must be closed properly after use or the use of the dishwasher must be limited. Shortening shower durations, using washing machines with full loads of clothes, and using automatic irrigation systems, are ways to diminish water usage.

Using the correct form of transportation is a key component to combating global warming. Whenever possible, the private usage of vehicles should be diminished. Rather sustainable means of transportation should be used, such as the bicycle, or use public transportation.
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