Mineirinho Ultra Adventures

Mineirinho Ultra Adventures (Miner Ultra Adventures), is an platform game developed by programmer Dennis Ferreira, from Manic Mind Game Lab, and published by Old School Blender Addicted. The game was released on software from digital distribution Steam to Microsoft Windows on January 27, 2017,and had negative repercussions.
At launch, Miner Ultra Adventures was panned by critics for its graphics, controls, and lack of content.
In early 2019, Miner Ultra Adventures and its DLCs were removed from Steam, but months later it had a re-release announced under the title Mineirinho Director's Cut (Miner Director's Cut), by the Sinned Games
Miner Ultra Adventures is a Platform Game 3D.The player controls Mineirinho(Miner), the protagonist title of the game and mascot of the "gastronomic complex" Dom Zelittu's —whose owner is a friend of Dennis—, located in the city of Itaguaí, in Rio de Janeiro.The worst Brazilian game ever made will be featured in a gringo speedrun He attacks by throwing a hat, or using power-ups (which are the restaurant's food) found in the five stages to kill enemies
In a version of Miner Ultra Adventures presented at a conference in 2011, an intro cutscene shows that Aliens (called "Giveters of Space") came to Earth and took Dom Zelittu's restaurant, and Mineirinho (Miner) has to rescue him by defeating the extraterrestrials.In the final version, there is no cutscene.After defeating the boss at the end of the game, the message "Você conseguiu! Agora todos podem comer no melhor restaurante do mundo!" (You did it! you can eat in the best restaurant the world!) appears in uppercase on the screen.
Miner Ultra Adventures was fully developed by programmer Dennis Ferreira, over four months, using programs Blender 2.49b and GIMP, for image editing. Dennis also reused models (among them trees and platforms) from the game ', and the voices were dubbed by his younger sister.The game is inspired by other platform games such as Super Mario 64, Gex, Crash Bandicoot and Conker's Bad Fur Day.
The game first attracted attention and controversy for the allegation that its creator, Dennis, had cursed a user of the game on the "internet". According to Dennis, the incident would have been an attitude of his ex-girlfriend.Miner Ultra Adventures was evaluated by Bruno Izidro of the magazine Vice as "the worst Brazilian game ever made" and "one of the most bizarre Brazilian games in history".Miner participated in the international event of speedrun Summer Games Done Quick.The game also appeared in an episode of Zero1, hosted by Tiago Leifert, and with participation Dennis.
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