Millennium production

Millennium production
Millennium production is a production system of any kind (industrial, economic, agricultural, cultural, tangible, theoretical, etc.) that demonstrates that it can be maintained for millenia. That is, a method of production that is self-sufficient and self-sustaining; one that embodies the characteristics of a holistic ecosystem.
Millennium production is a new term in the English language.
The reason for defining this term is to provide an alternative to "sustainable", "organic", "natural", and the many other terms that have, from time to time, been used to refer to the same intent as "millennium production". However, most if not all these terms have been neutralized through overuse or misuse, and new ones are neutralized almost as soon as they appear ("sustainable" being a recent example).
The term "millennium production" is considered to be more resilient to overuse or misuse because it embodies its core intent within the term itself. As such, even the average-person-in-the-street knows what question to ask to validate a claim that something is a millennium production process, technique, idea, etc. Providing the average-person-in-the-street with the ability to make informed choices on their own is a fundamental motivation for creating this new term.
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