Miles Powell

Miles Powell (born July 2nd, 1994 in Washington D.C.) is an American Backyard wrestler for the XWG. Along with his cousin, LB Briscoe, he is the CEO of XWG. XWG is a spin-off of the XWF (which is on Youtube) As of currently, Powell and Briscoe are still constructing the format for XWG, hiring superstars, purchasing trampolines, setting up stage, etc. It is likely that they will start up XWG in summer 2008.


-Direct Effect Sideslam

-Moment of Silence Spinebuster

Signature moves

-Swanton Bomb High-Angle Senton Bomb


-Jump-Off Springboard Crossbody

-Stay Down Frontfilp Legdrop

Soon-to-be XWG World Champion
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