Midnight Sonder

Midnight Sonder is a 2016 British independent drama feature film written and directed by Mayuren Naidoo and starring Evan Jones, Sheldon Philbert and Marcia Tucker. It is director Mayuren Naidoo's feature film debut.
The film was released on 9 December 2016 on Amazon Video in the United Kingdom, United States, Germany and Japan.
Rodric (Evan Jones) is a University student dealing with a recent diagnosis of complications in his blood. After taking the prescribed medication, Rodric starts to experience vivid hallucinations that effect the relationship with his flatmates, Sara (Camilla Karlsson) and Edgar (Ryan Shawn Lewis).
After Rodric visits his Doctors, his medication dosage is increased, making him desperate to find out what his constant hallucinations mean. As he starts to think he knows what they mean, Rodric sets out at midnight, where he collides with and injures an innocent woman, Leslie (Marcia Tucker).
As Leslie travels back home in agony she tells her son Chris (Sheldon Philbert) about the incident, fuelling his anger and desire to pursue the identity of the man responsible for injuring his Mother.
Evan Jones as Rodric
Sheldon Philbert as Chris
Marcia Tucker as Leslie
Elina Alminas as Dr. Joyce
Samuel Kyi Ankrah as Zachary
Daniel Duru as Jake
David Gardini as Dr. Martinelli
Camilla Karlsson as Sara
Ryan Shawn Lewis as Edgar
Wesley Lloyd as The Lecturer
Irham Usman as Rudi
The film was made for an extremely low budget of £1000. The film was shot on location, including scenes on campus at Kingston University and in a local Londis off license.
The film was shot in 10 days over 3 months with a skeleton crew. Most of the film was also shot by director Mayuren Naidoo.
The original music for the film was created by Brinsley Chidavaenzi, also known as Music Producer MisterrCha.
The film was released on 9 December 2016 on Amazon Video where it is available to rent, buy or stream with Prime. It is currently available in the United Kingdom, United States, Germany and Japan.
It is available to stream on all devices with Amazon Video capability.
The film has received positive reviews across Amazon Video and IMDb.
In September 2016, the film was officially selected at the Creation International Film Festival in Ottawa, Canada, where it was awarded with the prize for 'Best Produced Screenplay'.
In December 2016, the film was officially selected at the Fame'Us International Film Festival in Los Angeles, California, United States. The film received its second award, when it won the festival's Bronze prize for Feature films.
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