
Chakra Psychology is a study of human energies based upon sensitive awareness of the subtle energy flow through the body and the seven energy centers (chakras). Seven major chakras are known in the traditional yoga philosophy.
According to the Theory of Microchakras, when each major chakra is magnified, 21 states of awareness or microchakras emerge in each Chakra.
Theory of Microchakras is a unique theory of what human beings are with practical methods of self-development based upon it. The theory is called “Microchakra Psychology” and the practices are known as
Both are extensions of ancient Indian teachings which describe the universe as an intelligent living spirit—in contrast with modern views which regard it as a giant machine composed of inert matter.
Each of the traditional 7 chakras contains 21 microchakras, which enable the chakras to process information related to our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. When the energy flowing in the chakras is blocked, our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being is compromised. Through the unique practice of InnerTuning--a system of precise, potent sounds and mantras--blockages in the microchakras can be released so the subtle body can become realigned and physical and mental health can be restored.
The intelligent living spirit is called Consciousness. Consciousness is the substratum which pervades three fields: the physical field of matter; a subtle field where our feelings originate and a causal field which is the source of our thoughts. The latter two fields are composed of spirit rather than matter. In the subtle feeling field, there are 7 major chakras (spinning wheels of energy which are distributed along the spinal column).
Each chakra functions as a distinct mind (processor of information). These minds may act independently or in conjunction with one or more other chakra minds.
Microchakra Psychology presents a unique view of the chakras by dividing each of them into 21 microchakras arranged in three columns of 7 microchakras. The first column is called the right channel, the middle column is called the central channel and the remaining column forms the left channel. The microchakras are fueled by energy flowing within these channels. When a microchakra is open it has an abundance of energy and functions as a “champion” of our physical, emotional and spiritual development. On the other hand, when a microchaka is blocked it functions as a “saboteur” of this development. The techniques of InnerTuning were designed to defeat the strategies of the saboteurs by strengthening the champions and creating new ones.
The techniques include:
* Sophisticated sounds and mantras
*Awareness of when each chakra is naturally most active
*Synchronization of our energies with planetary rhythm (especially the dawn)
* Attending to whether the dominant breath is in the left or right nostril
* Working with clear distinctions among prayer, contemplation and meditation
* Understanding the distinction between proximate meditation and true meditation
* Expanding the faculty of hearing so that the entire body can listen
* Acquiring a deeper understanding of the causes of behavior through learning how each microchakra functions
Working with the theory of Microchakra Psychology helps to select and focus the InnerTuning practice; conversely, working with the practices makes the theory come alive.
Humanity is governed by three motivational principles. The first motivational principle governs the minds of the first three chakras whose fundamental goals are survival, procreation and personal power. The second motivational principle governs the minds of the fourth and fifth chakras whose fundamental goals are unconditional love and creativity. The third motivational principle governs the minds of the sixth and seventh chakras whose fundamental goals are intuition and contentment.
The theory distinguishes between emotions which appeared early in evolution (such as interest, joy and fear) and those which appeared later in evolution (such as shame, love and bliss). The emotions are discussed in relation to the three motivational principles. The first three years of a child’s life are crucial to the development of openings and blocks in the microchakras. Parents and other caregivers are provided with suggestions for maximizing the openings and minimizing the blocks.
Techniques for InnerTuning, 2008 By InnerTraditions/Bear Company Publishing
By (author) Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar
By (author) David Isaacs, Ph.D.
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