Never meditated syndrome

N.M.S - Never Meditated Syndrome (sometimes confused with Willfully Ignorant) is a life style self-inflicted illness, a fully encompassing syndrome which affects the entire consciousness of the sufferer and their interaction with the world.
It appears to be a growing, undiagnosed or wrongly diagnosed problem; in that medication (often in the form of Behavioural Medicine) has been often administered in the past with unpredictable results and a lot of uncertainty on the outcome of the course of medication. Often the Substance abuse or symptons that occur after a traumatic past are caused by the Never Meditated Syndrome itself, causing a dangerous spiral of depression to occur.
Never Meditated Syndrome sufferers generally exhibit a wide range of symptoms, they are listed below:
Symptoms of Never Meditated Syndrome
A core symptom that should raise attention to the problem:
* Overly attached to previous memories, and objects causing pain and trauma because of unavoidable change.
Often this appears to us as Hoarding, OCD, Narcissist, Compulsive Liar or even Paranoia
Other key symptoms that can be remedied by Meditation:
* A high amount of Fear and Anxiety in all aspects of life - often preventative of having a happy life, unable to follow interests and passions
* Stressful ticks, high stress level, signs of Tourettes
* Uncomfortable entering new places with a unknown large group, cares greatly of image and is self conscious, judges people on appearance / race / stereotype over anything.
* Over analyzing memories, events and body language to the point of suffering and questioning existence itself
* Unmindful behaviour, Clumsiness, forgetfulness, not caring, depression, lack of love and empathy
* Lack of energy, Laziness and generally uninspired by life
* Unable to digest information unless being taught, even then not able to compose their own opinion easily because it is an alien task.
* Anger management, Emotional Management problems. A Angry rage that is uncontrollable
* Cannot criticise or receive criticism or debate successfully without anger or rage
* Difficult to fall in love, have a partner, harbors a lot of hate towards stereotypes / preconcepted dogmas.
Often Behaviour of the Never Meditated Syndrome
* Often watches TV or Movies, but does not play any instrument, Sports, write or have a creative outlet
* Has a small amount of friends, often mostly virtual
* Often argues with people in a competitive manner, although there is no competition.
* Is afraid of many fears, superstitions, things must be done a certain way (Obsessively)
Although we all naturally enter meditation every time we go to sleep, it is not the same as conscious meditation as sleep is a automatic function of the body in order to recuperate energy, heal the anatomy and sort the recent activity in the consciousness and memory.
An easy Remedy - 10 minutes each day
A very simple mindfulness meditation can be performed daily to rectify the symptoms of the Never Meditated Syndrome. Sitting, laying or standing the practice can be performed. The practitioner simply must focus on the in breath and out breath purely for ten minutes, when the mind is distracted by another thought the practitioner must be aware and bring it back to just the breath.
A walking / active meditation may fit a busy schedule better, on the way to work (or on a break) just focusing on each step and controlling the breath, slowly visualizing the respiratory and muscular system and how they are responding to the thought process; it becomes apparent to the practitioner they are in control and are one with their body, thus elevating their consciousness to a larger understanding of their physical existence; enabling them to better handle the stresses of life and overcome the symptoms of Never Meditated Syndrome.
Physical Exercise & Yoga
All physical exercise helps us combat stress as it better enables the body to cope with the stressful situations we are often put under. Yoga also enables us to look inside and become one with all of our mind, body and muscles , any type of Yoga, Cardio or Weight exercise will benefit the sufferer of N.M.S - Never Meditated Syndrome. To try to mix the practice of meditation with their sport of choice, or ideally to start the study of Martial Art and follow its spiritual practices will also empower the Practitioner with the knowledge to overcome the symptoms caused by Never Meditated Syndrome.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) which is just the tapping of the energy meridians at key points of the body and verbally releasing your fears; is another incredibly powerful method to alleviate the symptoms of N.M.S (Never Meditated Syndrome)
Because of todays electronic information technology enabled world; we live in a widely excited electromagnetic spectrum, as our bodies are conductive and our brainwaves also electromagnetic signals it concerns many on the Electromagnetic Radiation effects on our body's health , the endocrine system and our organs which also generate an electromagnetic field (such as the heart)
Removing your shoes and socks and standing on the earth in the forest or park for just 5 minutes will help you ground out the extra energy your body is conducting from the hundreds of FM transmitters, 3G/4G devices, WiFI and Microwave links around your city. This can be proven via reading your body with a body voltmeter to see if you are grounded completely.

The word Medication comes from the same Latin root as Meditation and to Heal, there is really no way to medicate a successful meditation - although drinking a relaxing non-alcoholic beverage that is comforting to you may help put you in a peaceful mind. Chamomile tea is very relaxing and Ginger tea is also very good for mental focus, these can accompany the meditation session and are useful if working in a stressful office environment.
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