Michael Zeldin

Michael Zeldin (born May 12, 1951) is an American attorney and CNN legal analyst. He is a retired principal with the firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in Washington, D.C. He was the global leader of the firm's anti-money laundering and economic and trade sanctions practice.
Zeldin is the son of Beverly and Benjamin Zeldin. He graduated in 1973 from Binghamton University. He completed his J.D. at the George Washington University Law School in 1976 and his LLM at the Georgetown University Law Center in 1982. Zeldin was an E. Barrett Prettyman Fellow at Georgetown. They have two children.
At the Department of Justice, Zeldin was the Deputy Chief of the Narcotics and Dangerous Drug Section, Chief of the Money Laundering and Asset Forfeiture Office, and Special Counsel for Money Laundering Matters, Criminal Division. <ref name="deloitte_bio" />
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