Michael Hanlon

He is the Science Editor at the Daily Mail, previously, he wrote for the Daily Express, the Independent and Irish News. He also contributes on a regular basis to several magazines, including the Spectator. He is often seen of television, or heard on the radio, as an expert in explaining science to the general public. The Guardian calls Hanlon a, "top science writer."
Hanlon turned heads, including that of Ed West when he abandoned his skepticism about global warming.
* 10 Questions Science Can’t Answer (Yet!): A Guide to Science’s Greatest Mysteries (2007)
* The Science of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (2006)
* The Real Mars (2004)
* Eternity:Our Next Billion Years (Macmillan Science) (2008)
Personal life
His partner is Elena Seymenliyska, also a journalist, who works for .
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