Michael Docimo

Michael Docimo (born 1980) is an American professional wrestler, known by his ring name, Darkness. He is best known for his appearances in Alpha Omega Wrestling, NWA-Blue Collar Wrestling, This Is Indy Pro Wrestling, Allied Independent Wrestling Federation and Brian Kendrick's Wrestling Pro Wrestling.
Professional wrestling career
Early career
Darkness debuted August 4, 2013 for Alpha Omega Wrestling against Drake Fortune in Palm Desert, California. Promotional videos were shown before his debut showing attacks on Fortune and his tag team partner Steven Andrews. Darkness was brought to the ring in an upright coffin by his manager "The Mastermind" J.J. Young who controlled him with a mystical book. Darkness and Young feuded with Fortune throughout the Fall in various types of matches with the culmination of a No Disqualification Casket Match which Darkness lost due to outside interference from Andrews and Specter.
After the Casket match Darkness ventured outside of AΩW and competed in the debut show of "I Am Independent Pro Wrestling" as well as Brian Kendrick's "Wrestling Pro Wrestling" in Los Angeles, California and TWF in Turlock Ca.
Dirk Ness-Tucker (2014-2015)
In July 2014 Darkness was facing "The American Oni" when his head was hit between the ring post and a chair from Oni. "The Master Mind" J.J. Young lost control over Darkness as he fled the arena. The week following a video was posted declaring that Dirk Ness-Tucker was the actual personality behind Darkness and that Young had possessed him and used him as his personal instrument of destruction to take his revenge on Fortune.
Dirk revealed that he was the nephew of former owner "Stepdaddy" Roscoe Tucker and they aligned to fight the "Regime" faction who had taken control of AΩW away from Stepdaddy.
Darkness Returns (2015-present)
On February 20, 2015 Darkness returned, making his debut in Portland, Oregon in the National Wrestling Alliance sanctioned Blue Collar Wrestling (BCW) against Blake Grayson and was added to the roster where he wrestles on a regular basis.
Upon his arrival Darkness started carrying a skull to ringside where he would converse with it and receive orders and advice. On a few occasions when his opponent is getting an upper hand Darkness would actually have arguments with the skull and become frustrated. After a match with Psydsho who attempted to steal the skull Darkness employed a minion only known as "The keeper of the skull" to protect the skull which now resided in an ornate wooden box that the keeper carries at ringside.
Unholy Alliance teaming with Emperor Void
In April 2015 Darkness was pitted against Emperor Void, who had returned to BCW after a prolonged absence from the company. Their first match was a brutal fight that led to Darkness injuring Void's shoulder putting him out of action. Weeks later Darkness issued an open challenge in the ring after his opponent for the night Buddy Highway declined to appear. When seemingly no one would take him up on the offer Darkness was returning to the locker room when Void blasted through the curtain and speared him onto the concrete floor of the arena. The two then battled in a series of matches and interfered in each other's fights with other opponents. BCW management decided that having the two disrupting the shows wasn't going to stand and the two would have to work together as a tag team against Dave Havok and Demarcus James who were currently feuding and interfering in each other's matches as well. What was billed as the "Unholy Alliance", Void and Darkness were forced to team with each other or face firing from BCW. After 5 contractual matches were honored the two were forced into a final teaming that occurred at the NWA-BCW "Clash of the Titans" show in a triple threat tag team title match that saw Void being pinned by Zach Winters who used a foreign object to knock Void out for the pinfall. After the match BCW held a fan appreciation night allowing their votes to determine the main event of the evening and the stipulation of the match. They collectively chose to see Darkness face Void in a lumberjack match in which Darkness was victorious. Void disappeared after the match and has yet to return.
Dark Asylum
After Void's departure Darkness made an announcement that he had acquired a new tag team partner and would reveal him at a later time but promised that whomever it was bigger and more vicious than Void ever was. After working a few weeks in singles matches Darkness brought back Big Vicious a 6'8" mental patient that had previously worked for the company and the Dark Asylum was born. After a feud with the Westside Connection that ended in a tables match Dark Asylum found themselves as the number one contenders to the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team titles and feuding with the current champions the North Portland Wrecking Crew. After weeks of Dark Asylum getting the better of the champions with mind games and deception they were granted a title match at the 2nd annual Piperpalooza tribute show for Roddy Piper who started his career in the Portland area. In the main event of the evening Dark Asylum defeated the North Portland Wrecking Crew via pinfall and captured the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Titles, a championship that Piper himself had carried in his early career. As the Dark Asylum dominated the tag team division in the following weeks they were slated to take on the team of Badd Blood and Buddy Highway, collectively known as "The Westside Connection" in a non-title match. During the early stages of the match Badd Blood dove over the top rope to the outside of the ring onto what looked like the rest of the participants of the match. However, when Blood made the leap Highway and Big V walked in different directions causing Darkness to catch Badd Blood by himself resulting in the breaking of his left leg and crushing his left ankle. Paramedics were called and Docimo was legitimately taken out of the arena on a stretcher with the injury.
On October 30, 2016 a Halloween benefit show was put on for Darkness by BCW management. The show included a costume battle royal, casket match and in the main event a triple threat tag team TLC match for the NWA Pacific Northwest tag team titles that saw Big V defend and subsequently lose the belts by himself against two other teams. Darkness was in attendance for the show wearing a cast and walking with the use of a cane. In the following weeks Darkness became part of the commentary team at ringside until he tried to consul a rampaging Big Vicious in the ring who was attacking his opponent well after the match had ended. For his interference Big Vicious took Darkness' cane away from him and attacked the injured leg with it until the locker room was forced to intervene and separate the two former tag team partners. After the attack Darkness was helped out of the ring to the back. Darkness was not seen or heard from for an entire year.
After an entire year off to heal Darkness made his return on the BCW 2017 Halloween show winning the annual costume battle royal disguising himself as Michael Meyers from the Halloween films. After eliminating his former tag team partner Big Vicious, Darkness took off his mask and announced his return to active in ring competition and rekindled his feud with Vicious and later defeated him via submission in the companies first ever live pay per view "Clash of the Titans III" on the Fite.tv network.
The Book of Darkness returns
After defeating Big Vicious Darkness was involved in a a few lower profile matches when a mysterious figure reminiscent of the grim reaper would come out and taunt Darkness with the book that J.J. Young had used to control him earlier in his career. After weeks of interference the reaper figure was able to get control over Darkness and used him to interfere in matches including an incident that led to him choke-slamming female wrestler Ashley Grace after his match with Mathias Starkey. BCW management hired wrestler Jason Baptist who is also an ordained minister to perform an exorcism on Darkness. Though Baptist was unable to get the win over Darkness he was able to steal the book used to control Darkness and the reaper figure disappeared.
Championships and accomplishments
*National Wrestling Alliance
**NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championship w/ Big Vicious (1 time)
*2017 BCW Costume Battle Royal Winner
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