Mi Propio Auto

Mi Propio Auto (My Own Car , Mein Eigenes Auto , Ma Voiture, a Moi ) is a language learning book for high schoolers in the second level of their proper language. It is available in Spanish, French and German.
Ben Sullivan (Ben Carmeno in the German version) is a teenager living in San José, California. All Ben cares about is his girlfriend Mindy, his friends and his video games. It is his 17th birthday and he wants a car like everyone else at his private school. Instead, his parents give him a trip to El Salvador (Haiti in the French version and Turkey in the German version) to help build houses for people who lost their homes in a recent earthquake. His parents say he can get a car after he returns from El Salvador. He goes to El Salvador and experiences Salvadoran culture and life for the summer. His experiences change him by when he gets home to California.
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