
Who is Metania
Metania may refer to: a concept created in 2005, by a lay Greek Orthodox group that distributed flyers in New York. On May 1, 2009, Metania published its first multimedia newspaper, which was of gigantic size (22.50x16.50 in) with a free 4-hr DVD. Metania's website was created in 2007 and although it was supposed to be trilingual, it is so far limited to Greek, with a few English entries due to being understaffed. Metanias scope is to uncover and expose usurpers, financial scandals, sexism, exploitation of feminine flesh by the media, magazines, and newspapers (however, without details from the private life of either church or secular figures), illegitimate Synods and Bishoprics, heretical groups and cults, scums and con-artists, not only in the Greek-American community, but also around the world. Metania emphasizes investigation of New Age and neo-pagan cults, witchcraft, and New World Order (NWO) groups and conspiracies as well as the role of Masons in the New Age movement and prepares for the Rapture and the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. One of Metania's greatest goals is to keep people informed, so that nobody takes the stamp of Anti-Christ (microchips, vaccines containing microscopic tracking devises, micro-files and/or mind control systems).
Affiliation and Mission of Metania
Metania is a Traditionalist/Genuine (Old Calendar) Greek Orthodox Christian multimedia newspaper published in Astoria, New York. Metania is the English word for "metanoia" (Greek), which means "repentance". Metanias goal is to enlightened the public and educate them about the hidden and almost unknown spiritual treasures of Orthodox (Eastern) Christianity, including the Holy Canons of the Church, the importance of prayer, and the writings of the Church Fathers, so that people realize their sins, repent, and return back to the right path that leads to salvation. Metania, however, is more than a multimedia newspaper. It is rather a peaceful missionary, anti-heretical, and anti-cult movement within the Greek community of Astoria, New York aspiring to have its voice heard in the American society and all over the world.
Metania publishes on how International Bankers and the masonic NWO are paving the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ an his unbearable regime though micro-chips, vaccines, and other mind control manipulations that will deprive us form our rights and civil liberties!
Metania's reports emphasize lay and clergy men who betrayed their baptism and surrendered to Satan, acting as scandalizers committing public scandals (and only public; never private scandals or personal data) of priests and "esteemed" laymen/paragons, child abuse in schools and churches, preposterous Greek, Greek-American, and American media and newspapers that distort news and turn against the Orthodox Christian tradition, scums, scandals, injustice, and attempt to distort the tripartite set of values: "homeland, religion, and family". Metania fights racism, anti-Greek propaganda, discrimination, and religious intolerance and anti-Christian, and anti-biblical propaganda.
Metania and the Anti-Cult Movement
Metania is the first newspaper to uncover and expose YSEE, a dangerous masonic organization, disguised as a neo-pagan religious organization, though it doesn't really have any religious or even spiritual interests, and by no means has YSEE anything to do with ancient Greece or Hellenism. YSEE's core, open to a few only, is all the way different from the crust, the organization that is open to the public, which is supposed to be pro Greek. Shockingly, truth is that YSEE's senior members have no interest in Greek history and culture and not even ignore them, but they actually try to forge them and distort them, for they even hold Afrocentric ideas, they cherish the erasmic pronunciation of ancient Greece, they believe that modern Greeks have not much blood relations to the ancient Greeks and they consider the Thracians of no Greek origin!!! ( YSEE associates homosexuality with ancient Greece, while some members see Alexander the Great as a homosexual butcher (quite a paradox!). Therefore, it's not an accident, YSEE is quite sexist, since women's role in YSEE as well as their number are limited, especially in YSEE-USA. Leading/Senior Members of YSEE support anti-Greek leftist/communist/anarchist political parties, active in Greece, and have launched anti-Greek propaganda quite often, despising anything related to patriotism and national culture. YSEE solely aims to attract victims for financial interests and in order to recruit them and train them in hate activities, cyber-bulling, brainwashing, mind control, and networking, all geared toward anti-monotheistic goals (anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, and anti-Muslim). Such activities are spreading libel, slander, and producing humiliating and discriminating cartoons against all monotheistic religions and especially Christianity. Many YSEE's members have ties with mafia and the underground mob world. Once you become a member, it's incredibly hard to least in one piece! YSEE is affiliated to the masonic and NWO "World Council on Religions", and it has ties with anarchist and terrorist groups in Greece and it also supports the idea of urban guerrilla, especially applied to its fight against Christianity. YSEE has successfully infiltrated major Greek and non-Greek societies, organizations, businesses, and media and it has branches all over the world,with headquarters in Athens, Greece, and an American branch in Long Island City (L.I.C.), NY. Metania has been attacked by members of YSEE with law suits and violent incidents. Metania never stops to document all YSEE's activities in organizing anti-Christian lectures in Astoria, New York and expose YSEE's infiltration of various societies, organizations, and media as well as scary ceremonies and Satanic Rites!!!
Metania's Defense Line and Disclaimer
Metania, in defense of its self against its critics, it offers the following disclaimer:
Metanias Always following the Holy Canons of the Church, the patristic tradition, and the Biblical teachings, Metania's struggle is a peaceful one. For this reason Metania abstains from publishing personal data, gossip, or defaming rumors and hersheys and its goal is certainly not to ridicule, humiliate, or take revenge against people and/or businesses, but to shed light to the Truth and prevent people from fallacies and satanic influences, by being always guided by renowned theologians, clergymen, monasteries, and legitimate sources of the Orthodox Christian literature (Biblical, Patristic, and Canonical)." (Source:
Metania's slogans
"Metania will never lie to you...not even on April's Fool!!!
....and that's because...
We believe all seven deadly sins take place throughout the entire year!!!
All the truth out loud all the way to cast the evil one away!!!"
Metania often claims as a slogan, that is open to constructive criticism and feedback.
(Location: New York, USA)
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