Metal Heads

Metal heads are a deadly race of techno-organic monsters in the games Jak II and Jak 3. They have a strange crystal embedded in their head. Killing a metal head causes the crystal to fall out of their head. These crystals can be collected and used to purchase new dark powers.

Metal Kor
Metal Kor was The almighty leader of the metalheads and was huge and ferocious.
He disguised himself as an old man and tried to invade Haven city with his metalhead armies.
After Revealing his true form and killing Baron praxis, Kor made off with the precursour stone.
Kor was killed following a climatic battle with jak and daxter, in which he tried to escape through the rift, but ended up decapitating himself.

In jak 3 The metal heads have claimed a part of Haven city and turned it into their main hive. They also had a nest in the volcano, situated slap bang
in the centre of the wastelands. As a punishment, jak and Sig go into the volcano and destroy all the metalheads in it narrowly escaping with their lives.
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