Meta Assassins

Meta Assassins is an online role playing game developed by and is available on Facebook as an application. The game requires players to assume both roles as an assassin and target, with a mission to get the most number of kill points. Released on 7 February 2011, it is a four-month-long tournament that uses every website as a location to conduct its game activities. It also has a series of physical activities and offline missions that players can do to get more kill points and money. At the end of the tournament, the player with the most number of kill points will win air tickets to any city that he managed to make a successful "kill".
Game play
This game relies a lot on stalking skills and the strategic use of the correct tools and clues while hunting. The player earns kill points by successfully wounding or shooting down his target and every player is allowed to have multiple targets. Every website is a money accumulating point, with specific sites that changes weekly giving out more money. Players need to log on to their registered websites daily to recharge and avoid losing health points. Players can opt for other online Jobs such as surveillances and website check ins where they are required to be observant and answer questions accordingly. A META Assassins Playbook was created to guide players through the features of the game such as its weapons, tools and their respective capabilities.
Meta Assassins is developed by, a startup that was spun off Ape Communications in Singapore and founded in late 2010. They work on projects from alternative games to web profile delegation with the aim to make the web safer and more personable.
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