Melhores do Mundo

"Melhores do Mundo" or "Melhores do" are the names of a funny group of Brazilian super-heroes created in 2002. The team was a parody of Batman, Ultraman and Change Dragon (from Changeman). In 2003, they received one new member who was a parody of the Incredible Hulk. Their names at this time was Blogman, Ultrablog, Changeblog and Gama Blog. The characters were made by Tiago Cordeiro, Thales Martins, Felipe Gomes e João Abrantes.

The group also has a blog where the fans can read news about the pop culture in a funny way. Today they have more than one thousand unique visitors and it's a greatfull success between the Brazilian nerds. The website has also comic trips of the group.

In 2006, they changed their names and now are characters 100% originals (at this time, they already have two new members: Spiderblog made by Alessandro Castro and Hellblog). Now the Melhores do Mundo are Bugman, Ultra, Change, Gama, Spider, Hell and the new Mallandrox (Bernardo Cury).

Beside a community at Orkut and other relationship sites, the group also has mentions in important Brazilian sites or publications like Universo HQ, Eclética, (in the website Gibizada) and many others.

Other members

The blog has also the collaboration of: Douglas "The Dog" M. Comito, scriptwriter of Mauricio de Souza's Studio, as a colunist; Leo Finochi, designer, with his comic trip: "Tira Tudo" and the journalist João Paulo Cruz, the Reverse Nerd.
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