Megdet Rahimkulov

Megdet Nigmatovich Rahimkulov (, , 16 October 1945, Moscow) is a Russian businessman of Tatar origin. He was a Gazprom executive and also the former head of Panrusgaz and Általános Értékforgalmi Bank. He was the wealthiest person in Hungary, until his return to Moscow in 2008 and he is a leading owner of OTP Bank.
His assets are now managed by a holding company in Cyprus.
After graduating from the State University of Management, Rahimkulov became deputy head of Soyuzgazavtomatiki, a Mingazprom enterprise. From 1989 to 1992, he was the general director of Gazexport. In 1992, Rahimkulov was appointed General Director of OOO Interpromkom (InterProm), a company that supplied IT equipment to Gazprom.
Rahimkulov bought shares in OTP, a leading Hungarian bank, with the proceeds from the MOL sale.
Personal life
Rahimkulov is married to Salina Galina Dmitrievna. They have two adult sons, Timur and Ruslan, as well as one other son. In 2009, Rahimkulov declared that he had seven grandchildren.
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