Megan Meier

Megan Meier (1992-October 17, 2006) was an American teenager from Dardenne Prairie, Missouri who committed suicide.

Meier's suicide has been attributed to cyber-bullying through an account on the social networking website Myspace. The account, purportedly belonging to a 16-year old boy named Josh Evans, was created and monitored by the mother of a friend of Meier's. The case has caused several jurisdictions to consider legislation prohibiting harassment over the internet.

Meier was active in several activities, including swimming, boating, and fishing. She had been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and depression, and considered herself overweight.

Soon after opening an account on Myspace, Meier received a message from a boy named "Josh Evans." "Evans" said he was 16 years old and Meier thought he was attractive. Meier began to exchange messages with Evans, and was described by family as having had her "spirits lifted". she was pronounced dead the following day. The parent's name has been excluded from most news stories, but her name was disclosed on many blogs and by CNN when they included a copy of the police report on their broadcast of this story.

Reaction to news story
Megan's story was first reported in the St. Louis Suburban Journal. Due to the vehement public reaction, police added additional patrols to the neighborhood, and the adults responsible have installed a security camera.
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