Mayur Shekhar Jha

Born in hinterland of then Bihar, Mayur Shekhar Jha spent his formative years of his life in Bihar. After finishing his schooling from Denobli School, Dhanbad, in search of better education he moved to Delhi University. Having seen the cruel form of lives in mining areas in his formative years, MSJ developed keen interest social issues and at the same time, a part of him wanted to forget all, leading him to actively participate in threat circles of Delhi.
For next 5 years of DU & JNU honed him as a social & political activist. Till 2005, he remained very active in college politics, which led to a career journalism.
Next decade was all about exploring the nitty-gritty of corporate world. Having started his career at Economic Times, he went on to work at leadership positions in NDTV, India Today group, News 24 etc.
An early opportunity explorer, saw the shift in media industry and how digital media is changing the face of it. MSJ, finally had the tools in his hand to reach out to the audiance disconnected to mainstream media. At one end he saw those tribals of Jharkhand and on the other end those millennials, and MSM in its current form was unable to cater to either end. To fill this gap, in 2015 MSJ started Newsd media and he is in process of launching Newscode.
Now, MSJ dedicates most of his time guiding few dozens young minds at his media group, working to support young, talented sportspersons majorly from Jharkhand, helping bright poor students to get higher degrees and figuring out ways to help poor women in getting sustainable source of livelihood.
He is currently writing a book on Jharkhand, tentatively titled as "Next decade of Jharkhand: A roadmap to sustainable development".
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