Mayumi Ando

Mayumi Andois an Art Director, Graphic Designer and former Broadway performer in New York City. She has served as Art Director for <nowiki/>s Broadway musical Allegiance, and boutique candy shop chain Dylan's Candy Bar. In addition to art direction for Allegiance, she designed many of Allegiance's marketing and promotional materials. She is also the founder and director of Broadway In Japan, training aspiring Japanese performers in dance and musical theater. She attended Bard College, Columbia University, and Pratt Institute. From 2003-2007, she portrayed Alexi Darling in Broadway musical RENT. Prior to RENT, she performed in the pre-Broadway run of Flower Drum Song at the Mark Taper Forum in Los Angeles. Born in San Francisco to a Japanese father and Filipina mother, Mayumi spent much of her childhood in Aiea, Hawaii, and Monmouth, Oregon.
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