Maximilien Brabec

Maximilien Brabec, born June 1964, is an expert in innovation strategy.  He is a graduate of École centrale de Nantes (French Grande école of engineering) and professor in entrepreneurship at ESCP Europe (pan-European business school). Maximilien Brabec, after a spell at KPMG and EY (Ernst & Young), specialised in the search for the most relevant breaking strategies.
More particularly, he designed new approaches aiming at breaking out of what we know and create new innovation opportunities for the company.
He advises numerous SMEs, groups, middle-market and start-ups companies, and is an expert representative with the Advances in Management Association APM. His specialty is to allow teams to get out of the streetlight effect in order to come up with new valuable creations and favour their engagement in the form of a new business project (virtuous circle of engagement). He has developed new innovation approaches in order to surpass creativity while encouraging the implementation of innovative projects and developing the entrepreneurial position. 
Throughout his written work, he has developed many concepts and tools to innovate in the business model with Comment Réinventer La Capture De Valeur (How To Re-Create The Capture Of Value) and Business Model Vert (Green Business Model), one of these books is prize winner, and How To Allow An Innovative Project To Enter-Create The Market With Very Few Means. 
He is the author of a theory on the A A’ B syndrome which concerns: 
-innovation: “we tend to over-introduce an innovation to an existing concept in order to create an A’ concept (leading to the infamous duck which swims and flies clumsily) rather than coming up with a real B concept by starting from a blank page. The eco-innovation is still comparable to A’ and companies should often rather do B eco-innovation.” 
-and the companies’ strategies: “companies are confronted to mutations that are less and less linear, yet they tend to optimize their current A strategy by bringing it to A’, whether they should adopt a new B strategy.” 
He invented a strategic concept coming from the equation P=F/A. The equivalent of the Force corresponds to the “means we engage in”, the equivalent of the Area to “the perimeter on which we apply these means” and the equivalent of the Pressure corresponds to “the results”: 
-an innovative project must know how to aim for the smallest initial area, “the smallest useful minimum”, and then setting off a series of successive areas, coming from the domino effect. It must also be able to use the others’ F. 
-companies must centre themselves around their exceptional perimeter “how can we be the best company there is?” They tend to have too many small innovations which dilutes the means available without making an impact. They should rather content themselves with few big innovations and practise. Companies cannot innovate without pruning. 
He invented the concept of iterating successive dirty-tests and dirty-prototypes just to learn about “what we don’t even know we don't know”: an innovative project must be able to operate successive “ingenious diys” in order to confront themselves to the market reality in an iterative way, quickly and with few means, and must manage its training curve with discipline. The best key of success is to seek for unexpected !
He has launched the new concept TOTAL VALUE WON that to innovate in the business model for capturing more value: Lots of people are seeking to bring new values to their customers but finally they end up with a very small “me too” remuneration which is very small compared to the total value won by the customer which is “non me too provided”. They should rather base their remuneration in accordance with the Total Value Won by the Customer.  According to him reducing the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) is only a share of the total value won because you can also reduce negative values for the customer (risk, losses,…) and increase positive values (efficiency, performance,…)  for him. According to him “Being remunerated by the function or the usage is not enough regarding the total value won and is becoming out of date and me too”. 
He points out that as more and more incantation to innovate arise, people tend to reach too many wishes. But is leading relentlessly to  which is like : “We talk and spend a lot about innovation but we don’t create value out of it”. Therefore he claims that people should be clear about very few very big dream of new value in the long term, for which we have no other choice than to reach them. It is the opposite of wishing and it releases lots of freedom and agility for people. 
He has developed specific approaches and tools to retrieve strategic drivers from digital revolution with (by playing from the example of a cement mixer producer in his last book transforming it like “thermomix way of using”)
* (co-author) " L'avenir c'est demain ! 27 propositions pour 2035 ", Editions autrement, 2016.  ISBN 978-2746743380
* (co-author) " Renaissance(s) - Le plaisir d'entreprendre ", Editions Eyrolles collection APM, 2014.  ISBN 978-2212560336
* " Business model vert - L’économie durable comme stratégie gagnante ", Collection Progrès du Management, Dunod, 2010, EAN13 :  ISBN 978-2-10-054769-2  3. Prix spécial du livre qualité & performance 2011 - Mention « Enjeux actuels »
* (co-author) "Repenser l'entreprise", Cherche Midi, 2008.  ISBN 978-2749111667
* " Sortir du « Me too ». La stratégie de compétition par la différence ", Presses universitaires de France, 2003,  (ISBN 2-13-053544-5) .
References and Sources
# EuroSIMA Surf Summit Speaker Announced - Maximilien BRABEC - Business model innovation. BOARDSOURCE. 2014
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