Matilda Buffalo Turf

Matilda Buffalo Turf Grass is 100% Australian-bred turf, It was first developed in 2000 on a farm in the Hawkesbury Region, Just west of Sydney, New South Wales, Buffalo's like Matilda and Shade Master excel in shaded areas and generally require less direct sunlight than grass such as Kikuyu grass
Simular to the St. Augustine Grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum)
Stenotaphrum secundatum is a warm season lawn grass that is popular for use in tropical and subtropical regions. It is a low to medium maintenance grass that forms a thick, carpetlike lawn, crowding out most weeds and other grasses.
Matilda resulted from breeding to produce a Buffalo with the following characteristics

* Soft To Touch
* Disease Resistant
* Drought Tolerant
* Evergreen
* Self Repairing
* Shade Tolerant
* Hard Wearing
* 100% Australian
Matilda can be used in areas such as Council Parks, Heritage Listed Sites, Commercial Lawns, Business Parks, Residential Lawns and Pool areas, High Salt and Clay areas. High Traffic areas.
Grower Licensing
Matilda is a registered PBR (Plant Breeder's Rights) Turf. Growers must have a license to grow Matilda. Purchasers receive a certificate of authenticity to verify that they have genuinely received the correct breed.
Matilda has growers in most states of Australia.
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