Marv Terhoch

Marv Terhoch, Marvin Terhoch (1947 - 2019) was best known as Producer and Executive Producer of CBWT's award-winning 24Hours news & current affairs program.
He was appointed to the position of Exec. Producer on June 1, 1981, during the NABET strike, replacing acting Exec. Producer Sean Sullivan who worked in the position between January 1, 1981-May 31, 1981.
Under Marv's leadership, 24Hours became the most watched newscast in Winnipeg, which continued to receive national and international awards for its documentaries.
Marvin died peacefully at his home in Lockport, Manitoba surrounded by family on January 19, 2019. He leaves behind his wife Sherry, children Marshall, Andrew, Iain, Erin and grandchildren Jocelyn, Emma and Nate.
Marvin has been the son of Pearl Terhoch (1922-2000) and Kurt Terhoch (1921-2006), an immigrant to Canada from Ramsdorf, Germany, together with his twin Rudi. The twins and their parents Frieda (born Humberg) and Adolf Terhoch had to flee Germany after Reichspogromnacht and came to Canada for farming.
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