Martin Jahnke

Martin Jahnke is a 27 year old German pathology postgraduate student in Cambridge university. On Feb 2, 2009 during a speech at Cambridge University made by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Jahnke shouted "How can this university prostitute itself with this dictator here?" and threw a shoe at the Premier
. The audience, comprising students and staff, turned on the student, telling him to "get out" and shouting "shame on you." The protester was then dragged out of the building by proctors and security staff before being arrested and charged with a public order offence by police . He is charged with one count of using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or to provoke violence. .
The trial is scheduled to be held at Cambridge Magistrates Court on March 10th, 2009..
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