Marisa Richmond

Marisa Richmond is an American professor, Transgender rights activist, and Democratic political activist. She is the first transgender individual to serve on a city board or commission in the US state of Tennessee having been appointed by Nashville Mayor Megan Barry to the Metro Human Relations Commission. She was also the first black transgender delegate to a United States presidential nominating convention when she was a Clinton Delegate to the 2008 Democratic National Convention. She served again as a Delegate to the 2012 Democratic National Convention.
Early Life
Marisa grew up in Nashville, Tennessee. She was born to a politically active family in the Bordeaux neighborhood. Her mother reportedly handed out pamphlets for the campaign of John F. Kennedy. Her family reportedly hosted figures like Stokely Carmichael. She credits her family and events such as witnessing the motorcade of John F. Kennedy pass through Nashville as an impetus for her involvement in politics.
She earned her doctorate in History at George Washington University.
Awards & Advocacy
Marisa is the recipient of the National Center for Transgender Equality Julie Johnson Founder’s Award for her transgender advocacy in Tennessee and nationally. She is also a recipient of the International Foundation for Gender Education Award.
She has served as President of the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition and participated in several actions around transgender rights in Tennessee. She is presently a lobbyist for that organization and has been involved in recent issues in Tennessee around transgender rights.
Marisa is an active Democratic Party political activist. She was elected on the ballot to serve on the Davidson County Democratic Party Executive Committee in 2008.
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