Maria Viramontes

Maria Theresa Viramontes also spelled María Viramontes (Spanish) is an activist and former city councilwoman for Richmond, California's city council between 2001 and 2010.
In 2003 she voted against the Point Molate casino, however in 2010 she supported the project, that was later turned down by Richmond voters for the former naval fuel depot. In 2004 she again voted against a casino proposal by Upstream and its partner Harrah's.
In 2005 she proposed a measure with John Márquez to declare a state of emergency over the city's high crime rate which she compared to a "war zone" something opposed by then mayor Irma Anderson citing that such situations involve the National Guard and suspending civil rights, ultimately her proposal was voted down. In 2006 she supported spending $US 30,000 on taxi script for low income residents.
Also in 2010 she was voted out along with Ludmyrna López and replaced by Corky Boozé and Jovanka Beckels - both of whom campaigned on anti-casino platforms and Boozé in particular was a vocal critic of Viramontes. Furthermore that year she vehemently supported the preservation of the wild turkeys of Point Richmond, and also in the North & East neighborhood.
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