Maria auxiliadora

Maria Auxiliadora, known before as Chupaderos, is a town located near the municipality of San Felipe, Guanajuato "Torres Mochas" in Mexico. It has a population of no more than 400 people with many of its residents moving to the US leaving their homes inhabited.

A Haunted Rancho

and haunted by many ghosts such as "La Llorona," "The Old Man by la Cara de Caballo's House," "The Black Dog by el Casino," among others. Some diseases are also found in the Rancho such as malora which is similar to chicken pox but consisting of white spots, as opossed to the red spots left by chicken pox, that are believed to never come off. The disease is said to be found in "El Cono" by Justa's old house and also by the tanque that people pass by when they are walking to "La Palmita."
The Rancho has about 6 stores in all with only 2 or 3 functioning. The stores include "El Billar" aka "El Casino" which got its name because of the pool table it stores. Currently "El Casino" is the best known store in el Rancho for it sells the most items needed. "Las Quince Letras" (The Fifteen Letters) aka "La Tienda de los Charrillos" just happens to have 15 letters in its name. This store was actually more famous than "El Casino" when it first started because of its cheap candy, yummy tortas, and maquinitas. "La Frontera" (not really sure of its name) aka "Anca Chencho" has always been famous only for its cold beer. Moving down, there's "El Molino" aka "Anca Papa Pime" gained fame because of it's molino to which many women go to in order to moler their masa for the tortillas, tamales, and during festive times, mole. Then there is "La Conasupo" which happens to be the only store in the whole Rancho to keep its original name. The store
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