Marcionite Christian Church

The Marcionite Christian Church (MCC) is a neo-Marcionite Christian denomination based in Corinth, Greece founded in 2019. It claims to be the same church founded by Greek theologian Marcion of Sinope in 144 AD. As neo-Marcionites, the Marcionite Christian Church denies the Old Testament as the work of another, lesser God and are nontrinitarian.
The church is known for its spread of COVID-19 misinformation, holding the belief that COVID-19 is nothing but flu, and threats to excommunicate any members who take the COVID-19 vaccine.
The MCC is relatively high church, holds Mass, features Icons in their churches and has an Episcopal polity.
The church runs its own news network, the First Bible Network, which includes FBN First News. The church has also self-published their version of The Bible, which can be downloaded for free as a PDF on their website.
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