Marcel Lichters

Marcel Lichters (born 1983 in Wernigerode, Germany) is a German economist and professor of business administration, specializing in marketing.
Marcel Lichters grew up in Drübeck (now part of Ilsenburg (Harz)).
He attended elementary school in Drübeck and later secondary school in Darlingerode/ Drübeck. After completing secondary school, he attended the Technical High School for Business and Administration in Wernigerode, where he earned his general higher education entrance qualification with a specialization in Business Informatics.
In 2009, he obtained a Bachelor of Science in business psychology, specializing in marketing, market research, and advertising and consumer psychology, from Harz University of Applied Sciences. In 2012, he earned a Master of Arts in business consulting from the same institution, and in 2015, he received his Doctor of Economic Sciences in economics, specializing in empirical economic research, marketing, and consumer psychology, from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. In 2021, he became a professor of marketing and retailing at Chemnitz University of Technology, and in 2023, he was appointed to the chair of marketing at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU). In 2017, he also founded Lichters Market & Opinion Research in Ilsenburg (Harz).
Career positions
* Since 2017: Managing Director, Lichters Market & Opinion Research, Ilsenburg (Harz)
* Since 2023: Professor of Business Administration, specializing in Marketing and Head of the Marketing Chair, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg
* 2021 - 2023: Professor of Marketing and Retail Management and Head of the Marketing and Retail Management Chair, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz
* 2016 - 2021: Assistant Professor of Consumer Behavior, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg
* 2015 - 2016: Senior Manager, isi GmbH, Rosdorf/Göttingen
* 2015 - 2016: Visiting professor of Market Research and Consumer Psychology, Harz University of Applied Sciences, Wernigerode
* 2012 - 2015: Research Associate, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg
* 2009 - 2015: Scientific Consultant and Freelancer, Management Tools AG, Beckenried/Zurich (Switzerland)
* 2013 - 2014: Lecturer in Market Research and Conjoint Analysis, Harz University of Applied Sciences, Wernigerode
* 2012: Lecturer in Market Research, Vocational Academy (BA) and Academy of Administration and Business (VWA), Göttingen
* 2011 - 2012: Project Manager, Institute for Sensory Research and Innovation Consulting (isi GmbH), Göttingen
* 2006 - 2011: Student Assistant and Tutor for Mathematics and Statistics, Harz University of Applied Sciences, Wernigerode
* 2004 - 2005: Conscientious Objector at a facility for individuals with disabilities, Haus Öhrenfeld, Ilsenburg (Harz)
* 2000 - 2001: Trainee Surveying Technician, Land Registry Office, Wernigerode
Prizes and Awards
In 2016, Lichters received the Poster Award Prize at the 7th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research (Dijon, France). In 2018, he was honored with the Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing award by the Journal of Business Research. In 2023, he was recognized as the Best Reviewer of 2022 by the Journal of Business Economics. In 2024, he, along with his co-authors, was awarded 3rd place in the SaxFDM Open Data Award for exemplary contributions to open research data practices.
Selected Publications
Many of Lichters' research papers have been published in internationally renowned journals, such as Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Service Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Health Policy, Food Quality, and Preference, or in Journal of Business Research.
* Forty years of context effect research in marketing: A bibliometric analysis. In: Journal of Business Economics
* Caffeine’s complex influence on the attraction effect: a mixed bag of outcomes. In: Marketing Letters
* Short- and Long-term Effects of nonconsciously Processed Ambient Scents in a Servicescape: Findings from two Field Experiments. In: Journal of Service Research
* The touchy issue of produce: Need for touch in online grocery retailing. In: Journal of Business Research
* Warm Ambient Scents Nudge Consumers to Favour Premium Brands and Right-Wing Parties. In: Marketing ZFP
* What really Matters in Attraction Effect Research: When Choices Have Economic Consequences. In: Marketing Letters
* The Influence of Serotonin Deficiency on Choice Deferral and the Compromise Effect. In: Journal of Marketing Research
* Segmenting Consumers Based on Sensory Acceptance Tests in Sensory Labs, Immersive Environments, and Natural Consumption Settings. In: Food Quality and Preference
* How durable Are Compromise Effects? In: Journal of Business Research
* On the practical Relevance of the Attraction Effect: A cautionary Note and Guidelines for Context Effect Experiments. In: AMS Review
* On the applicability of the BDM mechanism in product evaluation. In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
* Crossing incentive alignment and adaptive designs in choice-based conjoint: A fruitful endeavor. In: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
* Incentive alignment in anchored MaxDiff yields superior predictive validity. In: Marketing Letters
* Insurees’ Preferences in Hospital Choice: A Population-based Study. In: Health Policy
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