Marc Kelly

Marc Kelly is an undergraduate Physics and Mathematics student at the University of Ottawa. He is employed as a research assistant by Denis Rancourt.
Political Views
Marc Kelly is a proponent of the North-American anti-grading movement founded in the works of critical pedagogues such as Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, and driven by the praxis of professors such as Denis Rancourt and David F. Noble. The methods used by Marc Kelly for the dissemination of his political views are often considered propaganda .
On October 21st 2008, Marc Kelly became the first University of Ottawa student to be illegally deregistered (by breach of contract) by the Central Administration for politically motivated reasons .
Conflict with President Allan Rock
On November 13th 2008, University of Ottawa President Allan Rock warned the University of Ottawa community about Marc Kelly .
Interference of Nomination to Senate Appeals Committee
Marc Kelly was nominated by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa to sit as the student representative on the Senate Appeals Committee. The Central Administration interfered in the Student Federation's nomination, on the grounds that Marc Kelly was believed to be "crazy", which caused the Student Federation to break their relationship with the Central Administration and write a letter addressed to President Allan Rock entitled "Flagrant Mistreatment of Students and Disregard of SFUO Nomination Rights" .
Arrest and Banishment
On December 1st 2008, Marc Kelly was arrested after filming the University of Ottawa's Senate meeting . Marc Kelly has been subsequently banished from the University of Ottawa by the Central Administration.
Lawsuit Against President Allan Rock
Marc Kelly is the second Canadian University student to engage in a legal battle with his University since precedent was set in the Freeman-Maloy v. Marsden case at York University .
Scientific Research
Sociology of Physics
Marc Kelly gave a talk entitled "Physics is a Religion not a Science" during the 2008 Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference at the University of Toronto .
Wireless Network Intrusion Detection
Marc Kelly developed novel ways of detecting intruders in mobile ad hoc networks while employed by Defence Research and Development Canada .
Weakly Electric Fish
Marc Kelly developed a state of the art model for understanding the physics of the electrosense in weakly electric fish while employed by the University of Ottawa's Centre for Neural Dynamics .
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