
MaNaDr is a medical technology company specializing in digital healthcare solutions, focusing on platforms that integrate healthcare services, technology, and patient engagement.
MaNaDr was founded in 2016 in Singapore and began operations in January 2017. Over time, MaNaDr expanded into several countries in the Asia-Pacific region. ==
# Friends of Assurance, Care and Engagement (ACE)
# Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Certificate of Appreciation
# President's Certificate of Commendation (COVID-19)
# Data Protection Trustmark Certifcation by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
# Cyber Essentials Mark Certification by Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA)
# #9 Singapore's Fastest Growing Company in 2024
# #41 Asia-Pacific High-Growth Company in 2024
# Technology For Good (Distinction)
On 16 August 2024, MaNaDr Clinic was ordered to stop all teleconsultation services until further notice. This was because of suspected breaches of regulations; according to the Ministry of Health, Singapore, a large number of MaNaDr's teleconsultations were very short, lasting less than one minute, with the shortest being one second long. Also, some patients were issued multiple medical certificates over a short period of time.
On 24 October of the same year, the Ministry of Health announced that it intends to revoke MaNaDr's medical licence revoked and 41 of its doctors will be investigated for possible professional misconduct. If MaNaDr's medical licence is revoked, it will no longer be allowed to provide outpatient services at its physical clinic at City Gate, at temporary premises such as patients’ residences, and remotely via teleconsultations.
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