
Mammomax is a fictional mammoth-shaped human mutant that has appeared in various comic books published by Marvel Comics. He exists in Marvel's main shared universe, known as the Marvel Universe. Mammomax's first appearance was X-Men vol. 2 #161.

Fictional character biography
When Mammomax first appeared, he was part of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants alongside Avalanche, Sabretooth, Exodus, Juggernaut, Nocturne, and Black Tom Cassidy. He participated in an attack on the X-Mansion, which caused massive property damage and the deaths of at least two of its residents.

Iceman defeated him. The entire Brotherhood ended up sucked into the black hole within Xorn's head, which apparently leads to the Mojoverse.

After M-Day
Mammomax next appears after M-Day, on the run from members of the Sapien League with Erg and Peepers. At the Institute's front gates, the X-Men save him from being burned alive. He took up residence on the Institute's grounds with other members of the 198. He also forms a friendship with Erg, Fever Pitch, and Sack. During a recent outing into Salem Center, he attacks a boy for calling him "Elephant Man", but a "tracking chip", implanted in his head by the Office of National Emergency (O*N*E), disables him before he could do any damage. Mammomax has the device removed by Mister M. The other members of the 198 also have their chips neutralized. Mammomax follows Mr. M during his exodus from the Xavier Institute.

The End of Mammomax
Recently, Mammomax was captured by the Facility, the same group responsible for the creation of X-23. He is used as a test subject for a monster (Predator X) created by the Facility staff. Predator X consumes and kills him. A picture of his corpse is shown to Mercury, who had also been taken by the organization.

Powers and abilities
Mammomax looks like a bipedal elephant with hands, because of this he is as strong as an elephant and also possess a pair of large ivory tusks which are as durable as an elephant's. Mammomax has invulnerable skin and can also produce powerful stomach acid which he can spit out of his mouth and use as a projectile attack.

Other versions
House of M
Mammomax is a member of the Genoshan Black Ops version of the Marauders.


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