Malappuram college sedition row

In February 2019 Kerala police arrested two students of Government College, Malappuram for allegedly sticking posters seeking sovereignty for Kashmir, Manipur and Palestine. Classmates of them claimed that they were protesting against the alleged harassment of Kashmiri students in several states and were campaigning against the Sangh Parivar. The duo has been booked under section 124(A) sedition, following which several human right activists have voiced their opposition against the police action. The arrested students, Rinshad Reera and Faris , belong to the B.Com and Islamic History department of the Government College Malappuram. Both of them are part of the , a political group in the college which is vocal about several issues, and had allegedly stuck posters condemning violence against Kashmiri students after the Pulwama terror attack which killed 49 CRPF personnel.
Human rights organisations and Activists had taken a strong stand against the arrest of the students. They released a joint statement signed by the group of activists, lawyers, journalists demanding immediate release of the Student Activists.On February 2019 the Judicial First Class Magistrate Court at Malappuram granted them bail.
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