Magali Elise Roques

Magali Elise Roques (born 1983) is a French philosopher. In 2020, an inquiry started by the academic journal Vivarium, pointed out that she could be responsible for several cases of scientific plagiarism. Accordingly, some of her published articles and works have been retracted.
Roques is currently a research fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
After studying classical literature and the philosophy of science, she received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Tours in 2012, under the direction of Professor Joël Biard; her dissertation was on William of Ockham. She devoted much of her pursuant research to Ockham Studies.
She received scholarships and research funding internationally. Among them were La Maison Française at Oxford University (2011), the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (2011-2012), the "Excellence Cluster Topoi" in Berlin (2014-2015), the University of Geneva (2016), The University of Neuchâtel (2016), the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (2017-2018), and a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hamburg's Philosophy Department (2017-2019).
She was awarded the Prix Jeunes Chercheurs de la Fondation des Treilles (2017), funded by the estate of Anne Gruner Schlumberger.
Retracted Publications
Six of Roques' publications have been retracted due to plagiarism.
* The periodical Epekeina retracted her article from 2015: "The Identity Conditions of Matter According to William of Ockham," (Jg. 6, Nr. 2).
* The periodical Vivarium retracted three publications by Roques: ‘William of Ockham’s Ontology of Arithmetic’ (2016), ‘William of Ockham on the Instant of Change’ (2017), and an introduction from 2017.
* The journal Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy retracted her article from 2017.
* The journal Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge retracted her article from 2018.
Selected Publications in Chronological Order
*2014. Guillaume d'Ockham, Traité sur la quantité et traité sur le corps du Christ. Traduction, introduction et notes par Magali Roques, Paris, Belles Lettres.
*2014. La sémantique ockhamiste des catégories. Essai de reconstruction. Vivarium 52 (1-2):49-71.
*2014. Le principe d'économie d'après Guillaume d'Ockham. Franciscan Studies 72:373-409.
*2014. Subtance, continuité et discrétion d'après Guillaume d'Ockham, Etudes franciscaines 7 (1): 163-172.
*2015. Contingence et déterminisme logique dans le commentaire d'Ockham au Peri Hermeneias. Essai de reconstruction. Medioevo 40:141-165.
*2015. Définition et démonstration d'après Guillaume d'Ockham. In Joël Biard (ed.), Raison et démonstration. Les commentaires médiévaux sur les Seconds Analytiques. Turnhout, Brepols:113-130.
*2015. Le principe d'économie d'après Guillaume d'Ockham. Franciscan Studies 73:169-197.
*2015. With Nicolas Faucher. Les justifications de la foi d'après Guillaume d'Ockham. Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 62:219-239.
*2015. The Identity Conditions of Matter according to William of Ockham. Epekeina 7:1-16. This paper was retracted for unspecified reasons.
*2016. Crathorn on Extension. Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales 83 (2):423-467.
*2016. Jean Duns Scot. In Maxime Kristanek (dir.), Encyclopédie philosophique:
*2016. L'essentialisme de Guillaume d'Ockham, Paris, Vrin.
*2016. Quantification and Measurement of Qualities at the Beginning of the Fourteenth Century. The Case of William of Ockham. Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 17:347-380.
*2016. William of Ockham’s Ontology of Arithmetic. Vivarium 54 (2-3):146-165. This paper was retracted for plagiarism.
*2017. As editor with Jennifer Pelletier. The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy. Essays in Honor of Claude Panaccio, Berlin, Springer.
*2017. As editor with Frédéric Goubier. Instants of Change, Vivarium 55, special issue.
*2017. Introduction. Vivarium 55 (1-3):1-8. This paper was retracted for plagiarism.
*2017. Logique de la découverte et rationalité des conduites pré-scientifiques. Induction et uniformité de la nature d'après Jean Buridan. In Christophe Grellard (ed.), Miroir de l'amitié. Mélanges offerts à Joël Biard, Paris, Vrin, 2017:253-270.
*2017. Ockham on the Parts of Continuum. Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 5 (1). This paper was retracted for "repeatedly" taking "passages verbatim from other authors without acknowledgement".
*2017. The Semantics of Real Definition according to William of Ockham. In Magali Roques and Jenny Pelletier (eds.), The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy, Berlin, Springer:95-110.
*2017. With Jenny Pelletier. Mental Language in Late Medieval Philosophy. An introduction. In Magali Roques and Jenny Pelletier (eds.), The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy, Berlin, Springer:1-25.
*2017. With Jenny Pelletier. An Interview with Claude Panaccio. In Magali Roques and Jenny Pelletier (eds.), The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy, Berlin, Springer:27-36.
*2017. William of Ockham on the Instant of Change. Vivarium 55 (1-3):130-151. This paper was retracted for plagiarism.
*2018. Anaphore et deixis en logique médiévale. In Louis de Saussure (ed.), Anaphore et deixis, Paris, Iste éditions: 79-98.
*2018. Chatton on Extension. Documenti e studi sulla tradizione sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 29:1-32.
*2018. As editor with Nicolas Faucher. The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy, Berlin, Springer.
*2018. Le langage mental d'après Guillaume d'Ockham. Le cercle herméneutique 30-31: 113-128.
*2018. Must the Relation of Substantial Composition Be a Mode? William of Ockham’s Answers. Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 85 (1): 129-148.
*2018. Ockham on Habits. In Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques (eds.), The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits in Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 263-283.
*2018. With Nicolas Faucher. The Many Virtues of Second Nature: Habitus in Latin Medieval Philosophy. In Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques (eds.), The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits in Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp.1-23.
*2019. Blaise de Parme et la quantité. In Joêl Biard and Aurélien Robert (eds.), La philosophie de Blaise de Parme. Physique, psychologie, éthique., SISMEL/Edizioni del Galluzzo: 175-196.
*2019. Contingency and Causal Determinism from Scotus to Buridan. In Rodolfo Garau & Pietro Omodeo (eds.), Contingency and Natural Order in Early Modern Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 27-59.
*2019. Metaphor and mental language in late-medieval nominalism. Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter 22 (1):136-166.
*2019. Ockham and Bradwardine on incipit and desinit propositions. Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales 86:209-256.
*2019. As editor with Laurent Cesalli, Parwana Emamzadah et Frédéric Goubier. Ontological Commitment in Medieval Logic. Medioevo 44 .
*2019. Vincent Ferrer on Natural Supposition and Ontological Commitment. Medioevo 44: 163-181 .
*2019. Proposition, phrase, énoncé de Boèce à Descartes. In Franck Neveu (ed.), Proposition, phrase, énoncé, Paris, Iste éditions: 73-96.
*2019. With Jenny Pelletier. William of Ockham. Oxford Bibliographies Online:
*2020. Jean Duns Scot, Questions sur la métaphysique. Introduction, translation and notes by Olivier Boulnois, Kristell Trego, Ide Fouche and Magali Roques. Introduction to the Latin text by Dominique Poirel, Paris, PUF.
*2020. With Frédéric Goubier and Nausicaa Pouscoulous. Une pragmatique sans implicature ? Approche lexicale du vouloir dire dans la philosophie médiévale. In Claire Beyssade (ed.), Implicatures, Paris, Iste éditiions:43-78.
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