Lutz Aengevelt

Dr. Lutz W. Aengevelt (born 4 June 1943) is a German businessman who is the co-managing partner of Aengevelt Immobilien headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. Aengevelt is listed among the largest private real estate firms in (Germany). Lutz Aengevelt along with his brother Wulff make up the third generation of the family business.
Background Information
Dr. Lutz W. Aengevelt, married and father of two children, was born on 4 June 1943 in Offenbach. In 1966, after he has finished his PhD in economic sciences he entered the real estate company founded by his grandfather Leo Aengevelt in Düsseldorf in the year 1910.
Since 1969 he has been managing partner of Aengevelt Immobilien GmbH & Co. kg. He is responsible for the departments of "Commercial letting", "Investment", "Placement of undeveloped land", "Project development / preparation and management", "Land recycling", "Real estate research" and "International real estate". His theme, in addition to independence from foreign control, his social commitment and the training of qualified young talents: "A property is always part of a value chain, we fully activate their potential."
Together with his brother Wulff, Dr. Lutz Aengevelt drives since the late 80's consistently the national and international expansion of the company's progress. He is the initiator and co-founder of the German broker association "DIP - German Real Estate Partners"5, founded in 1988, and the network "IPP - International Property Partners", which offers customers real estate services throughout Europe.
Additionally, Dr. Lutz Aengevelt became involved in diverse fields of real estate research and education. This counts as his assistance in research projects of the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft", the "German Institute for Urbanisitik" DIFU7, various ministries of the Federal Republic of Germany, the federal states North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland Palatinate and Berlin on such topics as "Construction Law", "Industrial development", "Pollution Management" and "Real Estate Marketing".
There are also lectures and specialist presentations at diverse universities e.g. at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts HAWK8, and specialized conferences like the real estate conference CIMMIT 20119, Frankfurt, or the Family Office Forum 201210, Wiesbaden.
Beyond that, Dr. Lutz Aengevelt performs numerous volunteer activities, such as the advisory board of Deutsche Bank AG in Düsseldorf, of the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf and of the Munich Trade Fair "EXPO REAL".
He also was a longtime member of the General Assembly of the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce. In Düsseldorf, he was also involved as the first chairman of the "support association monument Rochuskirche e.V.", which aims the redevelopment and embodiment of the Rochus Church was and which was dissolved after 12 years of successful fulfillment of this task in 2002. In 2009 at the International Commercial Property Exposition (EXPO REAL) Immo News quoted Dr. Lutz Aengevelt stated the headline; "More decision makers, more front line visitors." in reference to the improved market and real estate environment.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
In 2009 Lutz Aengevelt was interviewed by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and was posed the following questions;
" Is the competition among brokers during this difficult time actually just down to the price?"
"Of course, competition is hard boned, but that does not take place on the commission rates, but on the evidence of achievement. One should also not overlook the fact that part of the competition is no longer there. Some have withdrawn from the sample transaction business, it is now known as the Asset Management and others are insolvent." - then going on to reiterate the fact that Aengevelt Immobilien has zero debt which is a pivotal aspect of their success and solidified infrastructure.
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