Lunchtime Basketball Association

The Lunchtime Basketball Association or LBA is an amatuer basketball league based in Adelaide, South Australia. It is a subdivision of the Basketball Association of South Australia. It has one game per week televised on local television station C36

Early Days
The LBA originally started out as an alternate league to the South Australian Domestic League. However, as time went on, it became apparent that the LBA did not have the manpower to compete with its rival league. Therefore, the decision was made to take the league back to the streets to develop a uniquely Australian style of pick-up ball.

A New Leader
In its initial year, the LBA was headed by Commisioner Robert Coulls. After the first season had been completed Coulls' contract was not renewed and he was replaced by former 'A' Grade player, Steve Sparrow. This has proved to pay off, as the LBA now draws over 100 spectator per game and player stocks have tripled.

Recent Years
As well as supporting up to five LBA sanctioned games per week, the league also holds regular fundraising events to support its 'Summer League'. The Summer League is held annually in Middleton, South Australia and is used to help underprivileged children keep fit and get involved in team sports. The LBA recently became affiliates with smaller league, The Recess Basketball Association.

Tragedy Strikes
On the 15th October 2008, veteran Crushers player Sam Thomson was horrifically injured in general play. The injury came just 1 day after Thomson had been commended for playing through injury recieved while playing against Firefighters guard, Fergus Kinnaird. The Crushers championship run is now all but over as Thomson was their only player.


The Tornadoes (Black, Grey)

Findon Bloods (Blood Red, Black)

Salsibury Saints (Red, White)

Kingswood Kings (Gold, Royal Blue)

Coromandel Valley Crushers (Blue, Black)

Belair Bulldogs (Hot Pink, Lime Green)

Verdun Vipers (Emerald Green, Black)

United Districts Ice (White, Sky Blue)

Burnside Firefighters (Fire Red, Yellow)

Croydon Crips (Blue, Purple)

The LBA was originally founded by four amatuer basketballers who were disregarded by the South Australian Domestic League. They are

Fergus Kinnaird

John Langford

Ben Johnston

Tim Pryor

Contracted Players and Free Agents
The LBA holds contracts with the well known players to prevent them been lured out of the LBA. It also offers free agent conracts to players who may have the potential to play consistently on a team. The contracted players and their teams are as follows.

Ben Johnston (The Tornadoes)

Fergus Kinnaird (Burnside Firefighters)

John Langford (Belair Bulldogs)

Sam Thomson (Coromandel Valley Crushers)

Tim Pryor (Salisbury Saints)

Liam Barry (Croydon Crips)

Casey Snodgrass (Verdun Vipers)

The players who have at one time held a Free Agent Contract are as follows- Thomas Young(Scotland), Louis Bannister, Michael Cowles, Will Thorpe(America), Cameron Thorpe(America), Christopher Annells, Xavier Kiley, Andrew Smith, Matthew Parsons, Jackie Chan(China), Zac Angelakis(Greece) and Tomas Collander(Ireland).

Hall of Fame and Awards
In 2008 the LBA unveiled its inagural awards. They are as follows-

Most Improved Player - Sam Thomson

Crabman Award for Best Post Player - Tim Pryor

Leading Rebounder - Ben Johnston

Leading Scorer - Fergus Kinnaird

Rookie of the Year - Casey Snodgrass

Hall of Fame Inductees - Fergus Kinnaird and Ben Johnston

2008 LBA First Team

C: Ben Johnston

PF: John Langford

SF: Daniel Giustozzi

SG: Fergus Kinnaird

PG: Cameron Thorpe

International Pathways
As the league grew stronger, it contracted European players to boosts the weaker teams. These players were

Daniel Giustozzi from Italy

Ryan Oszczypok from Ukraine

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