Lugyny Youth Centre

History Luhynskoho MC
Youth Center Olympia Sports Lugini is located in Lugyny, Zhitomir region. It was established with the support of the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development and the September 21, 2009, 2 days after the start of the discussion among community organisations and partners.
Lugini was originally not a specialized institution, providing youth the opportunity to hold classes, develop their physical and intellectual capabilities along with a kindergarten. With help from the Swiss, a center was created, hosting 50-70 people per day.
The center provides training in computing and Internet. Sports training includes free-style wrestling, tennis, football, volleyball and basketball. The center also provides family and substance abuse counseling interest of children in this area.
Chernobyl after-effects
The 26 April 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl affected this area, which is considered a level three (optional evacuation) zone. Residents receive food subsidies, because the local soil is considered contaminated.
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