Louise Dombrowski

Louise Dombrowski is a fictional character from the TV series Twin Peaks, played by Emily Fincher. Although appearing for just a few seconds during a brief flashback scene in a single episode (#2.8, Drive with a Dead Girl), the character and scene are one of the most memorable among Twin Peaks fans, due to the highly nostalgic and surreal atmosphere of the scene, the special use of light, and the unique background music. The instrumental piece of music to which the charachter dances to is called The Hook Rug Dance, composed by series composer Angelo Badalamenti, and recorded in the Twin Peaks Season 2 Soundtrack.
The Hook Rug Dance Scene
The Hook Rug Dance scene in which Louise Dombrowski appears, is a flashback scene, reminisceded by brothers Jerry and Ben Horne, during Jerry's visit to the Twin Peaks Sherrif's department, where Ben is being arrested for the murder of Laura Palmer. After discussing Ben's legal troubles and his possible alibi for the murder night, Jerry notices the cell block contains bunk beds. He climbs on the top bunk bed and reminds his brother Ben about their first room (which had bunk beds), and in which Louise Dombrowski used to dance in with a flashlight, on the hook rug. The two brothers are shown smiling and recalling the memory, as the flashback scene starts. The flashback scene is comprised of stilted slow motion, and shows an open doorway through which light streams in, as Louise Dombrowski, a young girl, perhaps the brothers' babysitter, steps inside the dark bedroom. Holding a flashlight, Louise, wearing a skirted dress and no shoes, starts to sway and swing the flashlight around as she dances on a hook rug in the middle of the room, to the sound of "The Hook Rug Dance". A young Benjamin Horne sits on the floor next to the bunk bed where a young Jerry is laying, on his stomach, as they watch her dance. As the flashlight passes the faces of Ben and Jerry, who are both wearing glasses, they smile brightly as Louise sways and moves to the music. The flashback scene ends and is cut back to the cell block, where both Jerry and Ben smile and chuckle at the happy childhood memory, as Jerry finally remarks: "Lord, what's become of us?".
The scene was noted by Slant magazine for being one of the rare "great moments" of Twin Peaks season 2 last episodes, and the "Hook Rug Dance Theme" was described by a music critic as being a "fan's favourite", "sweetly nostalgic" and "positively hallucinogenic". Another critic named this scene as one of the "most memorable" and chose it as one of his favourite scenes of the entire show. Music critic site "The Music Fix" described the music theme as "a glorious waltz", and described the scene as being "one of the most tender and innocent moments of the series". The scene is also famous for not being related or relevant to any of the different Twin Peaks plots which are detailed in the TV series.
One internet source claims the scene was not scripted in the original episode script. The episode was directed by Caleb Deschanel, and Emily Fincher who plays Louise Dombrowski was an assistant on the set, and is also the real life sister of director David Fincher.
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