Lonely Little Men is an independent production company created by filmmaker Ryan Davies. Founded in 2010, it specializes in the production of films and music videos and is based in North West England. Filmography Short films * Last Call (2010) * Meathouse (2010) * Klowntown (2011) Music videos * Exile Parade - "Man is Sick" (2010) * Exile Parade - "Hello Blue" (2010) * Candidate23 - "One for You" (2010) * Spencer Cloud and the Range Brothers - "Blue Soul Dust" (2010) * Exile Parade - "Life of Crime" (2011) * Exile Parade - "Longest Day" (2011) * Exile Parade - "Moviemaker" (2011) * The Parent Manual - "Set it Alight" (2011) * The Parent Manual - "Wheels 32" (2011) * Army of Stars - "Memory on a Mantelpiece" (2011) * Pacific - "Martyrdom" (2011)