Lone Wolf 2

Lone Wolf 2 (also known as LW2) is a freeware 2D/3D action game for the PC. It is the successor to the MS-DOS game Lone Wolf and the predecessor to Lone Wolf 3.
Lone Wolf 2 was written in Free Pascal and uses software rendering. According to the game documentation the development took two years including the software 3D engine VGFX which is open source and mainly written in assembler using MMX instructions. Lone Wolf 2 uses the third party software components FMOD for music and sound playback, and the dynamic-link library fpcx.dll which is used to switch into a DirectDraw fullscreen mode.
Lone Wolf 2 is a single-player game and contains 3 levels which are Lost City, Forest and Desert. The player controls a 3D space ship on a 2D terrain and must defend himself against 3 different hostile space ships. There are 3 power-ups (Health, Immortality and Invisibility) and 9 different weapon systems which spawn randomly on the map. After a certain score the game speed increases. The ultimate goal is a place in the Top 8 high score list. The game difficulty is very high but it is possible to reach the high score by following the Tips and Tricks mentioned in the game documentation.
Critical reception
Lone Wolf 2 was reviewed by PCWelt and other popular websites like AOL according to screenshots on the developer website. In August 2003, Lone Wolf 2 was the winner of the Softgames Game Contest and received the Game Of The Month Award.
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