Joseph Huckaby

"Joseph Huckaby" is the creator of the popular game engine and website Effect Games.
Joseph Huckaby was born in August 19, 1976. He started using computers in 1983 on his Atari 800. Usually though, Macintosh was mostly always the type of computer he was usually using thru high school and his computer of choice. After High School, he went to UC Santa Cruz college but did not graduate do to career choices. He currently works at Automatic Data Processing in the advertising department.
The first project he made was RobotLand for Macintosh Plus in 1991. This games was a side-scrolling platformer written in Pascal and only ran on System 6. He then started designing websites from many businesses in the Elk, California area. Some of the websites were so impressed by the designs they kept them including the Blair House Inn. In 2005 he started developing the Effect Games video game engine. Effect Games was launched in 2009 with huge publicity. The latest project he has made is a 8-bit color cycling engine with just HTML5
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