Little Blue (TV series)

Little Blue was a British animated television series for children, running from 1977 to 1980. Each episode ran for 10 minutes, and three series were produced.
The show was created by husband and wife team Harold and Ivy Purcell and produced by Joy Whitby of Tellytales for Yorkshire TV. The first series was narrated by Harold Purcell until his death in 1977. Following his passing, Simon Purcell joined Ivy Purcell to write the latter two series, and the narration was performed by John Kidd.
Little Blue was a blue-coloured elephant who lived with his mother, Mrs Jellybun, in Meadow Cottages. He attended the local school with his best human friends Kipper Guppy and Agatha, as well as Geoffrey West, who antagonised Little Blue and was a little insensitive time-to-time.
The show's theme was about fitting in, which was especially difficult for a small elephant in a world of humans, let alone a blue elephant. The school teacher, Mrs Gittings, treated Little Blue just the same as everyone else in her class.
Little Blue was very polite, but even so ended up making mistakes in his efforts to do right, to fit in, or to correct misdeeds.
The show's title sequence explained why Little Blue was blue in pictures and in song, explaining he played with his mother's fountain pen while having a bath and accidentally broke it in two and ended up covered in blue ink. Despite how much his mother tried to rub it off, she only ended up rubbing it further in. Thus, the song explains, he shall have to live as Little Blue.
Springwood Books published 12 tie-in books in 1980, and the series has been released on a DVD compilation of 1970's shows.
External references
* Toonhound
* YouTube original title sequence
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